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Course Description

Hacking 4 Recovery Course Description

Based on the successful Lean LaunchPad course curriculum, Hacking 4 Recovery provides real world, hands-on learning on what it’s like to actually start a high-tech company.  This class is not about how to write a business plan.  This is a practical class – essentially a lab, not a theory or “book” class.  Our goal, within the constraints of an online classroom and a limited amount of time, is to create an entrepreneurial experience for you with all of the pressures and demands of the real world in an early stage start up.

You will form a team with 3 others from the Stanford Community to work on an idea to create a business for the recovery. The team will attend the 5 day workshop – meeting Monday through Friday from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM PDT.  During the day, students work with teammates, meet with mentors, and conduct customer discovery interviews. During class, students will listen to a lecture and more importantly present their findings for the day to the class and to teaching team members. The teaching team will provide detailed feedback to each team and help the team figure out next steps for testing their ideas.

This course is team-based, thus working and studying will be done exclusively in teams.  Although there is no grading and no course credit, you are expected to attend all online classes (4:00 – 7:00 PM, Mon.-Fri.) as your teammates are counting on you.  Join this class and help restart our economy!

Information Sessions

Applications for Hacking 4 Recovery are now closed.

Online Class Sessions

5-day pop-up classes met every day Monday – Friday from 4:00 to 7:00 PM PDT

Session I:  June 29 th — July 3 rd
Session II:  July 20 th — July 24 th
Session III:  August 3 rd — August 7 th

Teams are expected to conduct 10-15 customer interviews each day and present their findings to the class.


Teams of 4 were accepted from the Stanford Community – including students, faculty, staff, alumni and visiting Summer Session students.  Individuals from the Stanford Community and Summer Session students could also apply and find a team to join, or be placed onto a team before the first day of class.

Applications are now closed.

Teaching Team

H4R 2020 TAs

Mentors & Advisors

 – Todd Basche and a large team of 31 Mentors helped coach teams and 27 Advisors with domain expertise were available to support students during the class.